Monday, September 12, 2011

Uninstalling Oracle on Ubuntu

Hi folks, again I passing on valuable information
We all know that Oracle is an excellent product and so on but do not always want on your machine for various reasons ... To uninstall Oracle on Windows simply use the Wizard and go problem solved. But we must put him in Ubuntu more labor, but because many things can go wrong, and if they want to know what things they invited him to try it for yourself.

Finally, the procedure to uninstall Oracle Linux on your machine is:

  1. $ su -
  2. $ dpkg -P oracle-xe-universal
  3. $ rm -rf /usr/lib/oracle/
  4. $ rm /etc/oratab
  5. $ rm /etc/init.d/oracle-xe
  6. $ rm -rf /usr/share/doc/oracle_xe
Success! We already have Oracle uninstalled.

Pd 1: Do not remember if we have to restart or not, but we lose nothing by doing so entering the following command sudo reboot

Pd 2: The $ sign means that we are working on the console

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